Website Hosting

Website Hosting - Cheap Hosting V's Business Class Hosting
How do you compare the quality of hosting from different providers? Is cheapest the best option? It all looks the same unless you know what you are looking for. It's easy to sign up with a hosting provider and then found their website hosting service is not what you expected.
From past experience we found that cheap hosting was always a let down. Slow performance, unreliable, service outages, poor or non existent support; the list goes on and on. We found that many of the websites were sharing a server with thousands of other websites, which didn't help security or reliability.
We decided that the best option was for us to have our own dedicated servers in a local, Nottingham data centre. We chose to use an industry standard hosting platform which offered many hosting options such as PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion/Railo/Lucee etc. We decided to use Microsoft SQL Server which we have found to be fast and reliable nut we also user MySQL.
Looking to Move Your Hosting?
Don't feel that you are stuck with your existing web host because moving away seems too complicated. We can help you move from your current hosting provider and we'll handle all of the technical side of things including hosting set up, DNS changes and email configuration. Get in touch for more details.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our support and service. If you need help or support, you can get in touch by email or by phone and speak to someone that knows about your website. We can then quickly resolve any issues you may have.
We monitor all the websites we host 24 hours a days, 7 days a week. In the event of any problems we get a notification and can act quickly, usually before anyone even realises there is a problem.
Using hosting servers close to our offices in Nottingham, rather than on the other side of the world, has helped us to provide a high level of service that we couldn't achieve hosting outside of the UK.
If you want to move your website hosting to us then please get in touch for a free quotation.