International Domain Names
You may be familiar with and .com domain names but there are now hundreds of domain suffixes which you may want to look at for your business:
We have developed and worked with a number of providers over the years to get the best prices and service for international and generic domains. Please note come countries impose special conditions on registering domains in their country. We can guide you through the process.
Some country specific domain names include:
North America:
- Canada - .ca
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon - .pm
- USA - .us
South America: S
- Antarctica - .aq
- Argentina -
- Bolivia - .bo-
- Brazil -
- Chile - .cl
- Colombia - .co-
- Ecuador - .ec-
- Falkland Islands -
- French Guiana - .gf
- Guyana - .gy-
- Paraguay -
- Peru - .pe-
- S. Georgia S. Sandwich Islands - .gs
- Suriname - .sr
- Uruguay - .uy-
- Venezuela -
Central America:
- Anguilla - .ai-
- Antigua - .ag-
- Aruba - .aw
- Bahamas - .bs-
- Barbados - .bb-
- Belize - .bz-
- Bermuda - .bm-
- British Virgin Islands (UK) - .vg
- Cayman Island - .ky-
- Costa Rica - .cr-
- Curaçao - .cw-
- Dominica - .dm-
- Dominican Republic - .do-
- El Salvador - .sv-
- Grenada - .gd
- Guadalupe - .gp-
- Guatemala - .gt-
- Haiti - .ht-
- Honduras - .hn-
- Jamaica -
- Martinique - .mq
- Montserrat - .ms
- Nicaragua - .ni-
- Panama - .pa-
- Puerto Rico - .pr-
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - .vc-
- Sint Maarten - .sx
- St. Kitts and Nevis - .kn-
- St. Lucia - .lc-
- Trinidad and Tobago - .tt-
- Turks and Caicos - .tc-
- US Virgin Island -
- Africa - .africa
- Africa Alt -
- Algeria - .dz-
- Angola -
- Ascension Island - .ac
- Benin - .bj
- Botswana -
- Burkina Faso - .bf
- Burundi - .bi-
- Cameroon - .cm
- Cape Verde - .cv-
- Central African Republic - .cf
- Congo Democratic - .cd
- Congo Republic - .cg
- Djibouti - .dj
- Egypt - .eg-
- Equatorial Guinea - .gq
- Gabon - .ga
- Gambia - .gm
- Ghana -
- Ivory Coast - .ci-
- Kenya -
- Lesotho -
- Madagascar - .mg-
- Malawi - .mw-
- Mali - .ml
- Mauritania - .mr
- Mauritius - .mu-
- Mayotte - .yt
- Morocco - .ma-
- Mozambique -
- Namibia - .na-
- Niger - .ne
- Nigeria - .ng-
- Reunion Island - .re
- Rwanda - .rw-
- Saint Tome and Principe - .st
- Senegal - .sn-
- Seychelles - .sc-
- Sierra Leone - .sl-
- Somalia - .so-
- South Africa -
- Tanzania -
- Togo - .tg
- Tunisia - .tn-
- Uganda - .ug
- Zambia -
- Zimbabwe -
Alternative Extensions:
- Brazil Alt -
- China Alt -
- European Union Alt -
- Germany Alt -
- Greece Alt -
- Hong Kong Alt -
- Hungary Alt -
- Japan Alt -
- Mexico Alt -
- Russian Federation Alt -
- Saudi Arabia Alt -
- South Africa Alt -
- Sweden Alt -
- United Arab Emirates Alt -
- United Kingdom uk Alt -
- USA Alt -
- Armenia - .am-
- Asia - .asia
- Azerbaijan - .az-
- Bangladesh -
- British Indian Ocean Territory - .io
- Brunei -
- Cambodia -
- China - .cn-
- East Timor - .tl
- Georgia - .ge-
- Hong Kong - .hk-
- India - .in-
- Indonesia - .id-
- Japan - .jp-
- Kazakhstan - .kz-
- Kyrgyzstan - .kg-
- Laos - .la
- Macao - .mo-
- Malaysia - .my-
- Maldives - .mv-
- Mongolia - .mn
- Myanmar -
- Nepal -
- Pakistan - .pk-
- Philippines - .ph-
- Singapore - .sg-
- South Korea - .kr-
- Sri Lanka - .lk-
- Taiwan - .tw-
- Tajikistan - .tj-
- Thailand -
- Turkmenistan - .tm
- Uzbekistan - .uz-
- Vietnam - .vn-
- Aland Islands - .ax
- Albania - .al-
- Andorra - .ad
- Austria - .at-
- Belarus - .by-
- Belgium - .be
- Bosnia - .ba
- Bulgaria - .bg
- Croatia - .hr-
- Cyprus -
- Czech Republic - .cz-
- Denmark - .dk
- Estonia - .ee-
- European Union - .eu
- Faroe Islands - .fo
- Finland - .fi
- France - .fr
- French Southern and Antarctic Lands - .tf
- Germany - .de-
- Gibraltar - .gi-
- Greece - .gr-
- Greenland - .gl-
- Guernsey - .gg-
- Hungary - .hu-
- Iceland - .is
- Ireland - .ie
- Isle of Man - .im-
- Italy - .it-
- Jersey - .je-
- Latvia - .lv-
- Liechtenstein - .li
- Lithuania - .lt
- Luxembourg - .lu
- Macedonia - .mk-
- Malta -
- Moldova - .md
- Monaco - .mc-
- Montenegro - .me
- Netherlands - .nl-
- Norway - .no-
- Poland - .pl-
- Portugal - .pt-
- Romania - .ro-
- Russian Federation - .ru-
- Saint Helena - .sh
- San Marino - .sm
- Serbia - .rs-
- Slovakia - .sk
- Slovenia - .si
- Soviet Union - .su
- Spain - .es-
- Sweden - .se-
- Switzerland - .ch
- Ukraine - .ua-
- United Kingdom - .uk-
Middle East:
- Afghanistan - .af-
- Bahrain - .bh-
- Iraq - .iq-
- Israel -
- Jordan - .jo-
- Kuwait -
- Lebanon -
- Oman - .om-
- Palestine - .ps-
- Qatar - .qa-
- Saudi Arabia - .sa-
- Turkey -
- United Arab Emirates - .ae
- Yemen - .ye
- American Samoa - .as
- Australia -
- Christmas Island - .cx
- Cocos Island - .cc
- Cook Islands -
- Fiji -
- French Polynesia - .pf
- Heard and McDonald Islands - .hm
- Kiribati - .ki-
- Micronesia - .fm
- Nauru Island - .nr
- New Caledonia - .nc
- New Zealand - .nz-
- Niue - .nu
- Norfolk Islands - .nf-
- Northern Mariana Islands - .mp
- Pitcairn Island - .pn-
- Samoa - .ws
- Solomon Islands - .sb
- Tokelau - .tk
- Tonga - .to
- Vanuatu - .vu
- Wallis and Futuna - .wf
Please call us on 0115 871 3111 for help and information on international domain names.